cars, cookies, and birthday treats

Somehow an entire week of my life has flown by in the blink of one unproductive eye! Well, it’s been quite productive, just not in sewing or blog related ways. I want to thank all of you for your amazing thoughts, prayers and words of encouragement following our collision with a drunk driver. It saddens me that so many of you have similar personal experiences and such a needless act has ruined many lives. Our…

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Millions of Peaches

Sshhh…do you hear that? It’s August. I thought July was never going to end! It was seriously the busiest month I’ve had in I can’t even remember how long! The Hubs was gone for a whole week, my Mother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law came to stay with us for a week, we had 3 family events, 4 birthdays, 7 doctor appointments, 4 round trips to the airport, and every day was full of regular life activities like…

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Barbecue Pizza

Well, since I have no working machine (okay, okay, I do, but it’s plastic and cheap and I loathe it), I spent some more quality time with my favorite little ladies, and made an awesome dinner. From leftovers! This is a twist on the Grilled Pineapple and Chicken Quesadillas The Pioneer Woman posted last week. Don’t worry, I made those, too! But I used canned pineapple and didn’t grill it. I had some leftovers and…

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Candy Corn cookies

My sewing machine broke on Wednesday. This is absolutely devastating to me because 1) I LOVE my machine and refuse to replace it. And 2) I still have a LOT to sew before Thanksgiving! In fact, my list looks something like this: 3 Halloween costumes 6 pillowcase dresses 12 pairs of Christmas jammies 10 bibs 4 aprons 37 bean bags 1 tote 6 tshirts Yikes! And those are just my orders, it doesn’t include the…

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Tea Party

A few weeks ago, my sister and I started formulating an idea. My Mom had wanted to take her Granddaughters out for tea before they went back to school (my kids would just be tag-alongs as they’re obviously not school-aged yet). But since our girls are so young, we figured it would be more fun to have it at home, so I offered to host it at our house! I called my Aunt, cousin and…

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