Chloe’s Baptism July 25, 2011 – Posted in: Family
The past week has been crazy around here! I was in super-speed mode trying to get ready for Chloe’s baptism. My MIL and SIL came to stay with us (and are still here visiting!) so I had to get the house in tip-top shape for overnight company. I also had to get all the food ready to take with us. The church we belong to is actually about 2 hours from our house, so we hosted the reception at my parents house, since they live near it. I spent days on my feet, cleaning, cooking, packing, and taking care of a sick Chloe. I was hoping like crazy she’d feel better for Saturday and sure enough, she was fever free!
She was the only baptism that morning so it was a sweet and intimate little family affair.
(this picture seriously cracks me up!)
We asked my Aunt and Uncle to be her Godparents and they graciously accepted! The funny thing is they’re also the Godparents to my sister’s middle child!
I was too busy playing hostess to remember to take pictures of all the food and decorations. I completely failed on that one! I made lasagna, cesear salad and garlic bread for lunch. Then for dessert we had chocolate cake, key lime cupcakes, and my favorite pecan tarts. Everyone sat around laughing and enjoying the afternoon together. When everyone else had left, my Mom and I put Chloe back in the baptism gown and had a little photo shoot.
This gown is my favorite part of baptisms in our family. I mean, the washing away of original sin is awesome and all, but being able to do it in such a special piece of clothing is fantastic.
My Mom MADE this gown! When my sister’s oldest was born she decided she wanted to make an heirloom baptism gown for all the children in our family to wear for generations to come.
It took her many, many hours to construct it, with patience I don’t have for a project like this! I think one of the reasons I love it so much is knowing I’d never be able to spend so long on one project!
I’m in awe of her handiwork and totally honored to be able to dress my babies in such a piece of love and adoration.
Can you believe she learned how to smock for this? This is the first thing she ever smocked!! It would be a disaster if left up to me!
Chloe sat so patiently and let me take picture after picture of her.
She was reluctant to take them thumb out of her mouth, though!
And for a few minutes she grew bored of sitting patiently and decided to play a hilarious round of peek-a-boo.
Then we undressed her (again) and my Mom will wash and pack the dress away until our last little girl has a chance to wear it. I don’t know how long it will be after that until it makes another appearance, so I’m glad we’ve got pictures to hold us over in the mean time.
lisa July 25, 2011 - 13:45
Wowza! Beautiful!
Dania July 29, 2011 - 00:43
Absolutely gorgeous! Glad to see you are continuing the tradition!
Dania July 29, 2011 - 00:46
Our 100-year old gown and family tradition continues too! You can see it here Thanks again for the great post!
Linda Lee June 24, 2013 - 09:01
What a BEAUTIFUL DRESS & the thought of Mom making it for all of her granddaughters is truly a treasure to have… Congratulations to your Mom GREAT JOB!!!!!! LOVE IT!!! Linda