Publix Coupons

Back in November of 2009, my sister started telling me about coupons. I’d tried clipping them in our super-tight money days, but never saved too much. It turns out, that’s because I didn’t know what I was doing! Clipping coupons is much more than cutting the ones out of the paper and expecting to save a bundle. I started slowly, and before I knew it, I was saving almost as much as I was spending!…

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Shirr Amazement

Whew. Sorry about that horrible break I took. You know how life speeds up and days fly by in a blur and before you know it 2 weeks have gone by? Totally didn’t happen to me. But I did have a faulty sewing machine, a sick baby that basically stopped sleeping (we did spend 3 hours in the ER in the middle of the night last week, so that didn’t help), a 2 year old…

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How many hours are in a day?

I’ve been horribly absent this week. I have a good excuse, too! Well, actually, I have several. For starters, I’ve had one unhappy baby. I took Chloe off her reflux medicine prematurely and boy have I been paying for it!! I had 4 or so days of extremely unhappy baby before I decided to put her back on the medicine. Then it took about a week to get built back up in her system and…

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Baby Gift

It’s funny how the world works. I have a friend who asked me for a baby gift a year ago. She was giving it to a friend of hers (who I don’t know) for the baby she was about to have. A year later, she asked me for a First Birthday shirt for the same little girl. The next thing I know, my friend’s friend is asking me for a baby gift for her niece!…

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Cosmetic Bag Tutorial

The humble cosmetic bag. So versatile, so easy to create. I’ve made tons of these over the years, always in this same manner. I’ve given away several, too, here on the blog. And today I wanted to share how I make my cosmetic bags so everyone can make their own! I create my own laminate fabric for the lining in these instructions, and will share with you how I do it! Are you ready to…

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