Sycamore Skirt

When I was in the middle of making my Sycamore Shorts pattern, I knew the pockets would be amazing on a skirt. I’ve wanted to post about this, but knew they’d be perfect for my Skirting the Issue skirt post. To learn more about Skirting the Issue, please read about it on Simple Simon & Co. These huge pockets on a skirt are amazing!! Sofia loves this skirt! I can’t imagine any little girl who…

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Homemade Meat Rubs

I’ve extended my quest for homemade gifts for 2014 to not only include birthdays, but all gifts if possible. So when Father’s Day rolled around, I had a stroke of genius and ran with it. Several years ago I handed my Dad his yearly Birthday card and announced it was nothing fun, just another gift card to the hardware store to join the others in his wallet that I’d given him for every holiday for…

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Michaels Passport to Imagination

I’ve been struggling with things to entertain my brood this summer. Sofia is 6 now and is into everything artsy she can get her hands on. I love encouraging her to create, but I don’t like the mess, clean-up, or distracting of younger siblings I have to do in order to allow her to allow her to do it. That’s where Michaels comes in! Have you heard about the Passport to Imagination program they’re doing…

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your hands are full

There’s an epidemic spreading across our great country. It’s a disease that seems to plague young and old alike, across all nationalities, races, and strikes both genders equally. The long-lasting effects of this sickness don’t linger with the infected, but rather those they infect. What is this dreadful disease? It’s the inability to shut the hell up and mind our own business. When you have little kids, people think it’s okay to stop you in…

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Why I Sew

When I sat down to write this post, I wasn’t sure exactly what I would say. Why do I sew? I guess for me, it’s in my blood. I didn’t realize how much sewing has become a part of my identity. Is it all I am? Of course not! But it drives me. Sewing is something I’m passionate about. It’s a calming influence in my life and it allows me to express myself in the…

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