M-I-C-K-E-Y October 23, 2010 – Posted in: Applique, Sewing
A friend came to me a few months ago and asked me to make her kids Mickey and Minnie costumes for Halloween. Conveniently, her son is Sofie’s age and her daughter was born the month before Chloe. So my honeys got to model these adorable (if I do say so myself!) costumes.
She wanted dressy “tuxedo” Mickey, so I appliqued a vest on a black shirt to give the illusion of tuxedo top. My favorite is the bow tie!
My Mickey Mouse wears pink shoes!
I made Minnie her classic gold shoes, though since they were for an active nearly-8-month-old baby, they’re regular bootie style with non-slick soles. No heels for this little lady!
I just love the way they look together!
I know I’m their Mom, so I’m biased, but these are the most adorable little faces!
I haven’t started my own kids costumes yet, but I still have a week! Sofie’s so excited for hers to get done, though with as sweet as they look in these, Mickey and Minnie sound like good options to me!
Mandy October 23, 2010 - 07:31
OMG, Melissa, these are AWESOME! I totally love these costumes! I may need to commission something like this next year, lol. AWESOME!
Marcia October 23, 2010 - 08:59
Absolutely adorable!!!
Nuria October 23, 2010 - 09:17
Melissa, these are fantastic! They both look wonderful. And Chloe’s face is starting to look more, I don’t know how to describe it “grown up”? to me…gorgeous!
I’m jealous!
lisa October 23, 2010 - 09:28
Very cute! Love the Mickey shirt. That was a great idea. Where did you get the fabric for the bottom of the shoes? They turned out really well!
Katie October 23, 2010 - 10:12
Great job!! Those look really fantastic!!
Katie October 23, 2010 - 10:12
Great Job!! Those look really fantastic!
Meghan Rickard October 23, 2010 - 10:13
Adorable!! Costumes and photos 🙂
Melissa October 23, 2010 - 11:39 – In reply to: lisa
I got it at a local quilt store 2 years ago when Sofie was a baby. I got enough that I haven’t needed to buy more yet. But a quick search reveals they sell it at JoAnn’s (and MUCH cheaper than I got it for! I paid almost twice this much!!). http://www.joann.com/joann/catalog/productdetail.jsp?CATID=cat2099&PRODID=prd23661
Joy October 23, 2010 - 16:39
These are amazing. I think that you should submit them to a magazine for some contest or for publishing!
Melissa November 06, 2010 - 22:21
SOOO cute!! love the little shoes! did you make those with no pattern, or do you have a tutorial for them? I must make them this weekend!! Halloween madness is over, so now i can actually sew for pleasure again ha ha! thanks!! ~ another crafty Melissa 🙂
Melissa November 06, 2010 - 23:26
Hi Melissa! I’m going to email you, too, so I know for sure you see my reply. 🙂
I’ve used this same tutorial for years. I figured out how to make the pieces bigger and can make these shoes up to a size 5 or 6. I need to make more for Chloe, so I might do a little tute on them soon! But this is the link to the pattern I’ve been using:
It’s that time of year | Sew Like My Mom November 14, 2010 - 13:40
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