
I’m making lots of changes to the blog over the next few days. If you visit and things look strange, or the site is down altogether, please come back soon to check it out! Thanks for your patience, and for reading!!

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Take me out to the ballgame

Tonight we enjoyed a time-honored tradition in our family. We headed to Turner Field to see our hometown heroes play ball against the Washington Nationals. We invited my Mom and Dad to join us and the 6 of us had a blast! The girls wore matching appliqued Braves shirts, of course! I didn’t get pictures of them before we left the house, so this is the best I can do. This was Chloe’s 2nd game…

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Music to my belly

Growing up, my Mom cooked dinner every night. My role in dinner preparation was chopping, table setting, and dish duty. But somewhere along the way I must have paid attention to the actual cooking part. I found in college that cooking came easily to me, and I frequently fed a table full of friends. My sister caught the bug, too, and recipes shared among the three of us often consist entirely of a list of…

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Bad bananas

So for Sofie’s birthday, I decided we all needed monkey-themed shirts. I made The Hubs wear a shirt I painted a yellow hat on (you know, The Man with the Yellow Hat?!). He wasn’t too thrilled about the idea, but was an excellent sport about it! Especially when I announced I wasn’t wearing mine. My bananas looked AWFUL and I flat out refused to wear the shirt. I was really upset and as I went…

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Applique Tutorial

I’ve had several requests for a tutorial on how I do my appliques. There is no right or wrong way to applique, this is simply how I do it. Also, this is going to be a long post. I don’t like when tutorials are split into several posts as it’s hard to go back to previous steps. This will be all in one place, but quite lengthy! Be warned! More information on how to applique…

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